Tuesday, November 07, 2006

I’m not voting

I’m going to exercise my right NOT to vote and my right to complain.

We’ve all had enough of all this stupid mantra of lines about voting.

Here is something interesting from the WSJ:

If the polls turn out to be correct and the Democrats rack up big congressional gains Tuesday, they will have to thank a crop of candidates who don't look like a lot of the Democrats already in Washington.

In a party with a racially diverse old guard -- perhaps four African-Americans and one Hispanic could chair House committees -- nearly all of the party's promising new faces are white. Several are former Republicans, including two business executives: Gabrielle Giffords, who has run her family's Arizona tire company and Jack Davis, who runs an upstate New York factory making furnace parts.

The Democrats have fielded a squadron of military men and women including Joe Sestak in suburban Philadelphia, a former Navy admiral, and Iraq war veteran and double-amputee Tammy Duckworth in suburban Chicago. Brad Ellsworth, a 48-year-old county sheriff favored to capture a House seat in Indiana, is one of the few Democrats ever to sign the antitax increase pledge of Republican activist Grover Norquist's Americans for Tax Reform.

New senators could well include Bob Casey Jr. from Pennsylvania, who opposes abortion rights and perhaps former Reagan Navy Secretary Jim Webb in Virginia.


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